sighs.. sem 2 is killing me.. @@
so many things are coming.. my schedule is so full for september..
anyways.. college life is kinda tough now.. the good thing is that i finally have 5 classes same as my baby~ =D well.. kinda little if compared to chris who has 14 classes same as me.. but never mind.. as long got common classes is enough already.. xD (kok hou~ don't jealous~~~ hahahahahahaha!!)
seen all my subject lecturers.. hmm..
for bio we got ms.sangeetha.. one of the consulting lecturer for social sphere.. jia lin and i feeling so weird.. hahaha.. but i guess we would felt the same too if we got ms.renee for cts.. hahaha.. anyways.. ms.sangeetha seems nice.. well.. we'll see how..
for stats we got ms.see.. hahaha.. her first sentence was "hi, i'm see!" *with the serious look* we're like "hi, i'm saw and i'm the past tense of you.. when we stand together, we're see saw" *with the super funny slang and pitch* (hope she don't see this) she looks super serious man~~~ some more dare us not to use calculators during exam if we don't bring it to her class.. funny lady though.. especially when she's telling something funny with her serious look.. haha..
for cts we got mr.g.. (i don't remember his real name)(he ask us to call him mr.g) he's super aggressive you know!!! he's like so "gan jiong" when he's talking.. some more he talk kind of fast and with a bit indian slang.. and he's like hypnotizing us to sleep and then force us to stay awake by forcing us to copy down what he said.. == pointless stuff that he ask us to note down.. we must really find a way to sleep.. hahahaha..
for advance english we got ms.chandra.. sighs.. i don't know whether it's a good thing or bad thing.. but the way she talk is really kind of dramatic.. LOL.. seriously!!! then she's like aiming us in the class.. whenever she talk about something bad, we noticed that she sure look at us.. == well.. don't know larr.. maybe we're being too sensitive.. hmmm..
for moral we got ms.geetha.. an indian lady.. hmm.. not bad.. but kind of boring also larr.. she's kind of responsible also.. good thing~ hahaha..
well.. my mood swings recently.. don't know why.. maybe because i'm not feeling so well.. headache easily.. @@ (don't worry.. my mood is still good now) kinda scared actually.. it's like a signal telling me i should take care of my body.. and i hate this kind of alarm..
anyways.. thanks alot to kok hou for his dream talk.. lol.. that really changed my mood from moody to happy.. (maybe because i wasn't that emo already that time.. xP)
so ya.. gonna sleep earlier tonight.. @@ talked too much (or listen too much?) yesterday.. plus i'm very tired today.. and i seriously need to sleep earlier everyday already since my schedule is so early in the morning..
hmm.. k larrr.. stay tuned! bye!